среда, 23 марта 2011 г.

on capital punishment

During the final hearing of my trial a lot of people were screaming out that I deserve to die. Luckily for me, Norway never supported, nor even considered to take death penalty as a potential option for punishment. Otherwise, the solution for me would have been quite evident, I'm afraid. Anyway, in half of the occasions the court's decisions are wrong and the lives are taken away for nothing. Nevertheles, I do fully give credit for Jews on this one - crucifixion does sound quite entertaining...
I will never get tired of saying that if you want to criticise something, you need to understand it very well. No more, no less. I used to have this Aunt Metta who would come to visit us once in a while. She was my father's elder sister, who married the richest man on the iseland. She wasn't bad, actually, but she was the most stubborn and self-confident person I've ever met. She used to hug me and give kisses, leaving marks of her YSL lipstick (I knew that this lipstick firm had to be expensive, for the effort I put in washing off those pink lipmarks was enourmous) on my lips and her perfume also by YSL - Yvresse will be forever stained on my subconcsiouss as an almost childish feeling of inabuility to persuade in your beliefs. I will never forget that torture I had to go through everytime she visited. She used to sit there for hours and blabber lectures how watercolors must be applied on a vertically postured canvas without any water, how dangerous it is to spend weeks alone in the forest, how wolves became from cats, how violence is never the answer. I'm just saying that what was there inside of Aunt Metta's head (while she still had the whole of it) was her vision of the world she lived in, her systems that she charished and believed in, her approach to communicating with people. I had nothing for, nor against them as long as she didn't involve me in the conversation, where she was talking everything that her mind gave out, simultaniously, stating herself as a dominnat one in the dialogue. I, on the other hand, had a completely different opinion on all the subjects, but my sayings always were referred to as false ones. Once, my patience level expired...
My point is that we cannot judge people as long as we are not deeply familiar with what they are. A lot of worthy individuals were executed for their deeds, but if only it was possible to show the world their real thoughts, the work they have done, the tops they have accimplished, the general knowledge of humanity would have been much more developed and concise. Take Charles Manson. The killings "the Family" had done are dreadful and even unestetic from my point of view. People say he's a crazy idiot. I cannot agree on the term "idiot" in this one. Sure, he is crazy, like all people are, but an idiot... I have seen his interview and speeches. He is one of the rarest men whom I see and I know that he's got it all figured out. He is happy the way he is, the position he is now, he had understood the possibuilities of human brain and he's so pleased with it that he has nothing to regret about, he had understood it all. If he would have been executed instead of life long imprisonment, mine and, I'm sure, a lot of other individials' confidence would have been lower. He inspires.
What does a cannibal have on his mind? I mean apart from killing and eating human flesh. Have any of you ever tried to figure that one, or has it always been plain disunderstanding and disgust? When I was reading about Albert Fish, who, by the way, got executed on an electric chair for his deeds, I got quite a tempting picture of various reasons and philosophy that man had in mind. I won't claim, but I am rather sure that I understand him, not supporting, though, we are very different, yet special human beings.
In general, the situation with death penalties is quite satisfying, if you take a look on where it takes place. Firstly, I must proudly mention that the European Union prohibits capital punishment. It is mostly the mudsouthern countries like Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, Israel, Iraq, etc. I don't care for those ones at all. Yet, USA is the only one that concerns me. But I won't go there today, the States together with Southern
America is a great issue towards which my attitude is still not fully formed.
What do Albert Einstein and mark Chapman have in common? The same old thing that all the human beings on this planet do: each and every one of them lives in the world with his own beliefs. Einstein stated that there is no space, nor time, but their unity; Chapman believed he was Holden Caulfield, a 17-year-old characted from a book, who eventually made the decision to kill John Lennon, whom the real Mark Chapman charished but was a bit disappionted with his recent actions. If one applies those both situations on himself and tries to understand, to repeat their trails to the final statements, he will be amused and smashed by the magnifiency of choises that are available to be made.
To be worthy to take someone else's life one must be completely familiar with the victim's mind and know what he himself stands for. In the court system there are too many blank spots, for the decision is made regarding the Law, which itself was made by a number of people. Starting from here each following step just blurs the primary idea and the abuility to make the right decision.
This will also be changed when I'm done with my fight.

понедельник, 14 марта 2011 г.

on racism

I do not believe in the work of modern skinheads.
They call themselves "nationalists" and "patriots", claim to fight against the blacks and other immigrants who take advantage of superior scandinavian hostility. They beat the incommers till death with rocks, cut them and violate their dead bodies in the alleys, kidnap them, drive to the woods and make the real manhunts out there with the main prize of "an authority" for the one who collects the most heads.
Those filthy smugs shave their heads, pour liquer into their clueless heads and shout all around that they are the patriots, the white race defendors, the proud aryans. This is what makes me sick the most.
Those children have no idea what being a proud pure patriot norwegian is all about. They are just young adherents of the proud ideology; the unbridled growing up souls who crave for violence. Their immature minds happened to find racism the ideal solution to quench their thrist, so they put all the labels on them, do their deeds and shout out the termins with which they are hardly familiar with.
I am a proud norwegian with pure scandinavian blood (norwegian for last 12 decades, danish - before). I love my country and culture, I stand for the primary idea of racial hygiene. Out great ansesters did not need all the comfortable things that make life easier nowadays. Men did not need to use products for their bodies and hair, they were the vikings, the warriors, the successors of the clan, the defenders, the strong and proud males. Every tribe knew their place, every nation did. Everyone was living on its original territory, honoured their Gods, followed their culture. Only the strong and worthy ones survived. When the man got old and useless he went to the forest to dedicate his last ritual to Odin and died there. Or defending their clans, their families from the others ones. The brave warriors, the worthy ones to enter Valhalla. They walked during life with honour, with their heads up and died with dignity.
I never said that the blacks or representatives of another cultures must die. That would be immature and too desperate for a reasonable human being. But I am the warrior, I am the proud scandinavian and I will not bare if other races take our the control of our government, build here their chirches, make families with our men and women, mix blood. I will not bare seeing a weak useless half-norwegian licking the boots of a evil jewish woman. I've never rose an arm on a woman, by the way. But I think you've got my point.
I've never met a reasonable skinhead who would tell me the exact idea of what the ideology stands for, most of them do not even know what they stand for. Violence. Reasonable violence. Another thing I hate so much. The lack of reason. It makes me sick.
In jail, I've happened to meet Pelle Tollerod, the head of skinheads in Norway. I'm quite familiar with his work and, eventually, he did make many right decisions, but still we stand for completely different things. I hope I will never collaborate with him again.